R u b e n D u a r t e
Like you, I’ve looked up at the moon over the years and seen many versions of light and darkness within the moon---from a quarter moon to a full moon to a just-a-sliver-of-light moon to a fully eclipsed moon. Recently, on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, I looked up and saw the moon completely split straight in half---50/50 light and darkness. Scientifically, it is known as a waxing gibbous moon, with 59% illumination. However, to the naked eye, it looks like a 50/50 moon, perfectly split between light and darkness.
I sensed the Spirit of the Lord indicate, "It’s a Fifty/Fifty Moon. You are stepping into the season when there is an absolutely clear line of separation of those who walk in the light and those who delight in walking in total darkness. The workers of darkness used to operate within the realm of their darkness, but now they are emboldened to operate side by side with those who walk in the light of God’s ways. However, they are not just pleased to co-exist next to those of God’s light, they want to force themselves to be accepted just like the children of Light. Their goal is to force their darkness upon those who walk in the light of God’s ways." The Spirit of God is urging, “Don’t ever let that happen. Don’t settle to go 50/50 with darkness. If you’re not careful, it can eventually extinguish your own light. I have called you to be the light of the world. See to it that you stay fully lit for the kingdom of My light. Thus, you will never lose your way.” Matthew 6:22 “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Recently, as I was meditating on thoughts regarding the latest solar eclipse, 4/8/2024, I sensed the Lord declare) My love for you, and all that pertains to you, eclipses all else that would want to disrupt or dismantle your destiny in Me. You have read, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”(Psalm 34:19) That is what this is all about---My glory eclipses all attempts to extinguish the candle of your light and purpose in life.
My servant Paul the apostle well understood this principle in his own life and journey, even though it was mingled with great trials and challenges. He declared, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us…For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:18, 38-39) Sometimes it seems as though the planets may align in order to darken the sun---but it is only momentary. This serves as a reminder that the trajectory of dark seasons eventually gives way to new light, new beginnings, and fresh hope. My own Son endured the eclipsing of His own life on a cruel cross. However, He paved the way for His own greatest light to shine for all humanity---for whosoever would call upon His Name to be saved. So be of good cheer. I have overcome every great darkness, every great eclipse, only to welcome the greater season for your light to arise and shine. “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1-2) The oil of My glory is what causes the ‘engine’ of your daily heavenly assignments to flow smoothly. However, the ‘unique oil’ through which I cause the ‘transmission’ of your vehicle to shift smoothly from one gear to the next is---A GRATEFUL HEART. The issues of life can often cause many to get stuck into ‘gears’ of regret, envy, unforgiveness, confusion, and so much more. However, the holy ‘oil’ which empowers you to continue to press forward is A GRATEFUL HEART.
Throughout My oracles, this is modeled for you by the Scriptural champions of the faith---most predominantly, My own Son and your Savior, Jesus Christ. Whereas He could have fallen into bitterness due to the betrayals and denials He experienced, My Son allowed the GRATITUDE of the joy set before Him to endure the cross, despising the shame. Because you are Mine, I have placed that 'Divine Lubricant' within your soul. Therefore, rejoice---knowing that you are more than a conqueror through all things---and in doing so, you will also maintain a smooth-running and well-oiled, GRATEFUL HEART. If you are waiting to be appreciated, rewarded, and celebrated in this world while wearing the robe of righteousness which I placed upon you, then you will be sorely disappointed. You have read, "In this world you will have persecution, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." That’s what this is all about---knowing that in a world full of people with opinions, criticisms, and judgments, inasmuch as you’re concerned, I have overcome the world.
You will wear yourself out trying to explain yourself to those who misunderstand you. Either they don’t like the way you walk or the way you talk. In many cases, there’s corrections which can be made to represent oneself better. However, by and large, there is a sense of knowing that you don’t fit into the mold of the status quo. I have created you uniquely and perfectly. When there’s improvements to be made in you, I Am in charge of that. My Son was misunderstood even before He was born on earth. He continued to be misunderstood until the very moment of His death. Yet, in doing so, He changed the world forever. You are also called to be a world-changer. It will only happen when you come to terms with the fact that you will never please everyone. The only ones who will truly appreciate you will be those who find My pleasure and My treasure dwelling inside of you. So, settle in to being part of a very unique core of humanity---the sons and daughters of God, The Friend of the Misunderstood. (While sitting at an old upright piano, as I played the final chord of a worship song and as I left the SUSTAIN pedal down to allow the harp strings to resonate for a long time, I sensed the Lord say)
“I blessed you with a piano that understands the power of 'sustain'. There is a strength in 'resonance' which is not found in 'staccato' or even 'digital delay'. SUSTAIN carries My HEART---My SUSTENANCE---My PERSISTENCE---and yes, My EVERLASTING VALUE. There are sounds in the heavens which began millions of years ago and they are STILL resonating today. I'll give you one example which will help you understand it all. 'IT IS FINISHED' still resonates as strongly today as on that day which My Son spoke it. Your own words carry RESONANT value. Have you ever spoken words you wished you could swallow back into your mouth? It is said you cannot take back and retrieve negative words. I say ‘Yes you can’. It is accomplished with two words---FORGIVE ME. Then it is upheld with true repentance, true change of behavior, and true honor. Then, it is all held together from that with which we first began---SUSTENANCE. You have heard it said, 'Having done all to stand, STAND THEREFORE...' That's all that is. Take a stand for righteousness and then SUSTAIN it. You have read, 'Jesus Christ THE SAME yesterday, today, and forever'. You guessed it: SUSTAIN. As far as My love for you in comparison to your behavior, your ups, your downs---it does not change---My love is SUSTAINED unchanged. Not even your mighty, amazing exploits for My kingdom can influence the measure of My love for you. It is SUSTAINED by Who I Am and who I have made you to be.” 'It was THAT MARY who anointed the Lord…'
(John 11:2) (John 12:1-11) When we are spoken about, what is the defining trait which identifies us---wise, wordy, wishy-washy, wanderer, or WORSHIPPER? Two sisters, Mary and Martha, had a most important Guest for dinner and Mary probably lingered too long at the feet of Jesus while the food on the stove probably needed stirring and the table needed to be set. Her sister Martha could only do so much. As a result, dinner was probably later than Martha had planned and perhaps colder than it should have been. However, THAT MARY---that worshipper---was too overwhelmed with gratitude. Her brother Lazarus, who had laid in a tomb stinking and rotting away for four days, was now alive and well, and sitting AMAZED across the table from the One who called him back to life. Mary went and tracked down the most expensive perfume she could find from her collection, drenched Jesus' feet with it, and wiped His feet with her own hair. The aroma and very atmosphere of the room was filled with the extravagance of her action. Judas criticized it, everyone else was bewildered---but Jesus absolutely loved it! When people remember this grateful servant of God, she is most appropriately referred to as “…’THAT MARY’ WHO ANOINTED THE LORD WITH FRAGRANT OIL AND WIPED HIS FEET WITH HER HAIR.” What will people remember about us? Will we ever be blamed for excessively expressing our love for God too extravagantly? Will we ever be referred to as “that Ruben (Tony/ Sam/ Larry/ Sara/ Maggie) who continually goes way overboard in demonstrating his or her love and devotion to God”? Perhaps that is not such a bad way to be remembered. Recently, I was enjoying a video of world-famous male vocalist Andrea Bocelli singing some of my favorite Spanish love songs which I grew up listening to. I was deeply touched by the singer and the exquisite lyrics of the songs, inasmuch as I was raised in a bi-lingual environment. As I saw the faces of the audience (who appeared to be predominately Anglo), they were totally enthralled as well. I thought, "How can they be so absorbed when many of them probably don't even know what the song is saying?"
I sensed the whisper of God respond to me---"They are absorbed by the passion of the song, the music, and the performance, although they don't fully understand the intimate message of the song." I was undone by what the Lord indicated next. He continued, "Such is the language of worship. For an unbeliever, the best they can glean is to be deeply touched by the music, the passion, and the lyrics of worship. However, for a believer, it is a deeply personal, touching experience and a conversation with God Himself---It is the secret language of worship." Dear reader, It is said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to literally move to the foreign country and immerse yourself in the people and the culture. If you haven't yet done so, I counsel you to immerse yourself in God, His people, His culture, His worship, and significantly, His Word. Christians are by no means perfect. However, as they live within their environment, they allow themselves to daily be perfected by God. "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.” (Psalm 138:8) As we enjoy this rest from our labor on this Labor Day, 9-7-2020, may we remember that whatever the 'heavy lifting' we are assigned to do in life, there is One who calls us to partner with Him in 'lifting together'. Receive this timely Word of inspiration which the Lord shared with me on this wonderful day.
Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”” <<>>There is a dynamic difference between the process of LABORING as opposed to the process of CO-LABORING WITH CHRIST. <<>>When we are in charge of our own LABOR, it is inevitable that we can eventually become HEAVY-LADEN. However, when we are committed to PARTNERING WITH CHRIST, our LABOR BECOMES PRODUCTIVE AND ENDURING. <<>>As we take on CHRIST'S YOKE, He invites us to LIFT TOGETHER, to PULL TOGETHER, to ADVANCE TOGETHER. The fact of the matter is that, although it may not seem like it to you, CHRIST IS ACTUALLY DOING THE 'HEAVY LIFTING'. As Jesus carried the cross towards Calvary, a Cyrenian man named Simon was summoned to carry the HEAVY YOKE with Jesus. It may have seemed like 'heavy lifting' for Simon, but Jesus was committed for the duration and full assignment, as well as the eternal blessings of that HEAVY LIFTING. Simon experienced the revelation of 'pulling together with Jesus' and the strength of the One who seemed like the weaker One in that moment of time. Simon had a divine assignment---but JESUS HAD THE DIVINE COMMISSION. There is a massive revival outpouring coming---and the precursor to that outpouring is going to be a MASSIVE OUTPOURING of RECONCILIATION. I sense God declaring, ‘I don’t want you to hear this word just to get excited and do nothing about it. I want you to get excited---but be prepared for it. For there is reconciliation coming among those whom you have been severed from for whatever reason, for whatever occurred---whatever was the chasm or whatever was the wall that was set up.
God is indicating, ‘The walls are coming down!’. Those walls of partition are now coming down and I say to you that RECONCILIATION IS ON THE WAY. So prepare for it. Prepare your heart. Prepare to open up your heart to those of whom you may have said to yourself, ‘I don’t want to have to run into them. I don’t want to get a text, an email. I don’t want to get a phone call.’ The Lord says, ‘BE OPEN because this is the season---IT’S OPEN SEASON!!! It’s open season for reconciliation. So prepare for it and receive it because this will be the preparation for the outpouring of the great end-time revival.’ As I sat at church on Sunday, February 2, 2020, I heard my pastor mention that this particular date was 02-02---20-20. The uniqueness of this 8-digit calendar date is that it happens to read the same forwards and backwards. Rarely do 8-digit calendar dates (mo-dy-year) read the same forwards and backwards. The last occurrence of this happened nineteen years ago on October 2, 2001 (10-02-2001) and before then it happened 640 years ago on August 31, 1380 (08-31-1380). Immediately I heard in my spirit the phrase, "MIRROR IMAGE".
I then stood and released a word which I sensed came from the Spirit of the Lord as I declared: "That which you have endured in last season is but a ‘mirror-image’ of that which you will rejoice in for this new season. For I have reversed those things which you travailed through in last season to bring you into the blessings in which you will be prevailing throughout this new season. That which reveals negative images from last season will now reflect positive outcome in the new season." Just like Joseph, the dreamer (Gen.37:23+) who got sold into slavery by his brothers, as well as Jesus, who was betrayed, convicted, and crucified, although He was totally innocent---were both able to see the blessing of seeing the 'mirror image' of their extremely negative experience and contrast it with the positive image of their victorious outcome---WE ALSO CAN REFLECT ON THE NEGATIVE ISSUES WHICH HAVE SURROUNDED US AND JOYFULLY CONTRAST THEM WITH THE POSITIVE OUTCOMES OF THIS NEW SEASON OF OUR LIVES. Hebrews 12:2 describes Jesus' anticipated joy this way: "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame..." Jesus was able to anticipate with joy the positive outcome of Him having to endure such a cruel, torturous death, knowing that it would reap the benefit of salvation being made available to all humanity who would call upon Him for forgiveness and eternal salvation. Those issues which many of us have endured in this last season will reflect a mirror image of the positive outcomes we will be enjoying in this new season with the Lord. Therefore, whatever the negative injustices have been, it is time to forgive, release, bless, go forward, and do not look back. In doing so, you will be able to fully enjoy the light and glory of this brand new era in the greatness of our God. |
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August 2024
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As we step into His Presence, His anointing begins to fill every crack and every crevice.
Every nuance of our lives is made whole as we step into His Presence. -RD "Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!" (Psalm 95:2 ESV) |